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Occupational Safety and Health Division (OSHD)

Occupational Safety and Health Division (OSHD)
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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Contact Us

Mr Coolen


Level 3, Sicom Building 2,

Port Louis, Mauritius

Tel No:(230) 405 4104

Fax: (230) 2088642


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​Health and Safety fo​​r Women at the Workplace
A quick guide to safety and health committees

General Preparedness and Response to Covid-19​
​​Safety​ and Health Ch​ecklist - ​practical actions to be taken on the resumption of work​

A Handbook for the Promotion of Safety and Health at the Workplace for Supervising Officers/ Accounting Officers -June 2024

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Enhancement of Work Environment

Click ​here​ ​ ​​​​


S eeneev​assen

Click ​here​ ​ ​​​​


Posters/Circulars - Covid 19

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Circular Letter No 28 of 2020 - Special Arrangement - Covid 19
Poster Precaution​
Poster Lift Etiquette
Poster Visitors
Circular Letter No. 28 of 2020 E/152/11/07
Circular Letter No. 30 of 2020​​​ E/152/11/07
Circular Letter No. 31 of2020 E/152/11/07
Checklist Health and Safety​
Circular ​SEC/COV/1​​
​​Circular Letter No. 19 of 2022 

​​Circular Letter No. 43 of 2022 

Circular Letter No. 10 of 2023 

Circular Letter No. 12 of 2024 E/152/75/39​

Circular Letter No. 21 of 2024

Injury Protocol

​Circular Letter No. 57 of 2021
Protocol on the management of injury and illness at the workplace​

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Goals & ​Objectives

The primary objective of the Division is to ensure that the state, as an employer, represented by the Ministry of Pu​blic Service, Administrative and Institutional Reforms, complie​s with the Occupational Safety and Health Act 2005 and other related Legislations.​​ ​


The Division aims at supporting the creation of the necessary conditions and a conducive work environment to inspire and improve the morale of Public Officers​.​​

In order to achieve the set objective of this Ministry in terms of OSH, various activities are carried out by the Safety and Health Cadre comprising amongst others inter alia:

​Activites undertaken by officers of the Safety and Health Cadre are as follows:

  1. ​carrying out Safety Audits/Inspections of all work sites in the Public Service on a regular basis;

  2. conducting Risk Assessments as required by safety and health legislations;

  3. investigating into Complaints/Accidents as and when required;

  4. providing training on safety and health modules on a planned basis;

  5. coordinating and organizing Fire Drill Exercises for public officers;

  6. participating in Safety and Health Committees;

  7. advising Ministries/Departments in selecting relevant projects for implementation under the Enhancement of Work Environment Programme(EWEP);

  8. ​facilitating the implementation of the OSH Management System in Ministries/ Departments; and

  9. ​​Participation in Meetings such as:​

    • (i)​​​​​  Focus Meetings with Ministries/Departments;

    • (ii)  Federations Meetings;​

    • (iii) Safety and Health Committees;

    • (iv)​ Occupational Safety and Health Management System Committees;

    • (v)  Enhancement committee in connection with EWEP;

    • (vi) Standing committee on uniforms and PPE; and

    • (vii) Bid Evaluation Committee

OSH Management

Click here ​​


Safety and Health Policy

​​  ​​​​​
​  statement.PNG​​​​

World Day for Safety and Health

                  ​​ ​        
​ Click here  ​​



Achievement of Activities


Training Programmes

Click here​​  ​​​​​​​

       Upcoming Training

Implementing Occupational Safety and Health Managem​ent System for Steering Committee Members

Safety and Health for Office​ Management Assistant

F​ire Safety and Fire Risk Management
Managing Safely

Safety Culture

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