Improvement of Counter and Customer Services
To meet the growing demand for better quality and timely services, the ARD has launched this scheme to enhance the level of Counter/Customer services. The ARD endeavours to encourage Ministries/Departments to upgrade their Counter/Customer Services through the adoption of an integrated approach in respect of measures to be taken in front, at and behind counters. Requests made under this scheme are assessed and an appropriate reply is made to applicants.
Guidelines on "Providing Quality Counter/Customer Services" is a user-friendly publication that list down simple measures to be taken to ensure the delivery of quality public services.
International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) Certification
With a view to ensuring that the Public Service provides services which meet the needs of customers and comply with an internationally recognised framework, the Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reforms (MPSAR) has been providing assistance and guidance since the year 2000 to public service organisations to help them achieve certification according to the ISO 9001 standards. This international quality management standard specifies the requirements and best practice in the application of quality management systems. It is based on the principles of a process-based quality management system, continual improvement, and customer satisfaction.
In September 2016, this Ministry conducted an exercise with a view to assessing the impact of MS ISO 9001:2008 certification on the quality of services being delivered by the certified organisations.
The overall findings reveal that the adoption of the ISO standard has had a positive impact on service delivery, in particular, in Ministries/Departments that have introduced ISO certification.
Currently, the Ministry is working towards the strengthening and expansion of ISO certification to all Ministries/Departments. This forms part of the bigger initiative whereby the Public Service needs to evolve into an enabling environment for improved performance and productivity. It is strongly believed that the framework that organisations are required to set up for the certification can empower them to adapt and allow continuous improvement in their operations while keeping focus on delivery of quality service to the public.
ISO Certification is yet another instrument to enhance and modernise service delivery by public sector organisations.
As at date, a number of public organisations have been ISO certified through assistance provided by this Ministry.
The ARD has successfully upgraded the certification of MS ISO 9001:2008 acquired in October 2006 to MS ISO 9001:2015.
Public Service Excellence Award (PSEA)
Launched in October 2006, the Public Service Excellence Award (PSEA) Scheme will on a yearly basis, honour and recognise Ministries/Departments or Units/Divisions that have excelled in adopting innovative management approaches and made visible breakthrough in service delivery. Its main objective is to promote a performance-oriented, responsive, customer-friendly and accountable public service.
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Participation in Regional and International Awards (UNPAN, AAPAM)
The ARD promotes participation of local Civil Service organisations to bring visibility and recognition to innovative and fast moving entities at regional and international levels, such as the AAPAM, UNPAN & AAPSIA awards.
Code of Ethics
The ARD undertakes to promote and instill ethical conduct among public officers through sensitisation on the Code of Ethics for Public Officers to ensure greater accountability and transparency. The Code of Ethics for Public Officers emphasises the importance of a responsible, responsive and caring public service and is intended to promote effective administration and responsible behaviour. The code provides guidance for appropriate behaviour in a variety of circumstances. It lays down a set of principles and guidelines which aim at promoting a high standard of conduct and behaviour in the public service. The Code applies to all officers irrespective of grade or rank. It complements existing rules and regulations.
Customer Charter
The Customer Charter of this Ministry is a document describing the level of service a public servant can expect from us.
Guidelines for the Elaboration of Customer Charter Booklet
Updating of Website of the Ministry
The Chief Information Officer (CIO) / Liaison Officer of this ministry must ensure that the MPSAIR’s website is functional and contain relevant information regarding the Ministry. The Website Update Request Form, designed by Central Information Systems Division (CISD), can be downloaded by clicking on the link below.
Website Update Request Form