Mr S. D. Jannoo Director, Human Resource Management Level 9, Sicom Building 2, Port Louis, Mauritius Tel:(230) 405 4141 Fax:(230)212 4226 Email: 
Assisted By:
Mr L. M. K. Lam Ping Fong Deputy Director, Human Resource Management Level 9, Sicom Building 2, Port Louis, Mauritius Tel: (230) 405 4149 Fax: (230)212 4226 Email: 
Mrs R. Ruchchan
Deputy Director,
Human Resource Management (in a temporary capacity)
Level 8, Sicom Building 2, Port Louis, Mauritius Tel: (230) 405 4132 Fax: (230)212 4226
The Human Resource Management Division (HRMD) ensures that the Public Service has adequate human resources both in quantity and quality in order to effectively implement Government policies, strategies, projects and programmes.
The core activities of this Division are: -
- appointment, promotion, posting, and retirement of public officers
- succession planning to ensure that public institutions consistently have the necessary human resources for - the timely delivery of public service
- prescription of schemes of service for all grades, which is the foundation for recruitment and promotion in the public service
- resolving labour disputes by promoting good employment relations through dialogue, consultation, negotiation and conciliation
- ensuring the smooth deployment of the E-HR and Electronic Attendance systems in Ministries/Departments along with other HR digitalisation initiatives
- providing guidance to Ministries and Departments regarding employment conditions, development of sound HR policies and strategies and implementing the recommendations of the Pay Research Bureau (PRB) Report
The Units under the HRMD are:
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1. Human Resource Management Unit
2. Conditions of Service Unit
3. Human Resource Planning and Employment Relations Unit
4. General Services Unit
5. Performance Management and Research Unit
6. Scheme of Service Unit
7. E-HR Unit
Mrs M.E.P Gokhool
Acting Manager, Human Resources
Level 8, Sicom Building 2, Port Louis, Mauritius Tel:(230) 405 4129 Fax:(230) 208 7639 Email:
Assisted By
Mrs. K. Ramasamy Assistant Manager, Human Resources Level 9, Sicom Building 2, Port Louis, Mauritius Tel:(230) 405 4143 Fax:(230) 212 4226 Email:
Human Resource Management
The Human Resource Management Unit is responsible for:
1. All HR matters of the MPSAR including attendance, discipline training, appointment, budgeting, etc.
2. Implementing E-HR for MPSAR
3. Managing HRM Cadre
4. Out posting of HRM staff and budgeting for HR
5. Maintaining and coordinating ISO for HRMD
Mr Jay Prakash Doobaly Manager, Human Resources Level 8, Sicom Building 2, Port Louis, Mauritius Tel: (230) 405 4133 Fax:(230)212 4223 Email:
Mrs S. Hungraz Acting Manager, Human Resources Level 8, Sicom Building 2, Port Louis, Mauritius Tel: (230) 405 4100 Ext 10018 Fax:(230) 212 4223
Assissted By: Mrs. Yamawtee Issur Assistant Manager, Human Resources Level 8, Sicom Building 2, Port Louis, Mauritius Tel:(230) 405 4135 Fax:(230) 212 4223 Email:
Miss K. Khodabux Assistant Manager, Human Resources Level 8, Sicom Building 2, Port Louis, Mauritius Tel: (230) 405 5432 Fax:(230) 212 4223
Conditions of Service
The Conditions of Service unit is responsible for:
1. Formulating, inter alia, policies/guidelines/circulars pertaining to conditions of employment in the public service as required.
2. Providing sound advice based on current rules and regulations in the service, interpret and implement recommendations from the various PRB Reports/HRMM/Acts/Guidelines/Circulars etc.
besides attending to complex cases forwarded by all public sector organisations.
3. Attending to request from Unions/Federations/Ombudsman/EOC etc. Officers have to regularly attend to hearings before the different institutions in connection with Labour Disputes.
4. Processing requests for Higher Qualification Incentive/Incremental credit for experience acquired prior to joining the service for the Standing Committee.
5. Preparing papers and briefs on cases to be submitted to the High Powered Committee.
Mrs M. E. P. Gokhool Acting Manager, Human Resources Level 9, Sicom Building 2, Port Louis, Mauritius Tel: (230) 405 4129 Fax:(230) 208 7639 Email: 
Human Resource Planning and Employment Relations Unit
The Human Resource Planning and Employment Relations Unit is responsible for:
1. Promoting good and harmonious employment relations within the Civil Service by adopting a consensual approach through dialogue, consultation, negotiation and conciliation
2. Examining Human Resource Proposals of Ministries/Departments and the Rodrigues Regional Assembly in the context of yearly Budgetary Exercise
3. Preparing the Civil Establishment Orders for Mauritius and the Rodrigues Regional Assembly
4. Providing updated monthly status of the number of funded vacancies filled in the context of the yearly Budgetary Exercise
5. Provide appropriate information with regards to requests for the grant of uniforms and personal protective clothing/equipment
Mrs I. Reega Manager, Human Resources Level 7, Sicom Building 2, Port Louis, Mauritius Tel: (230) 405 4139 Fax:(230) 214 2122 Email: 
Assisted by:
Miss P. M. D. Sambat Assistant Manager, Human Resources Level 7, Sicom Building 2, Port Louis, Mauritius Tel: (230) 405 4140 Fax:(230) 214 2122 Email: 
General Services
The General Service Unit is responsible for:
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1. Ensuring that staffing requirements of Ministries/Departments in respect of General Services grades are met
2. Processing appointment, promotion, confirmation, retirement, assignment of duties and allowances in respect of General Services grades in accordance with established policies and procedures
3. Updating and maintaining a database of officers of General Services grades
4. Processing posting of staff/request for change in posting of General Services grades
5. Assisting the Human Resource Management Division in mounting of courses in respect of General Services grades
6. Processing disciplinary cases in a consistent manner
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Mrs L. Pyneeandee Human Resources Management Officer (HRMO), Performance Management and Research Unit Level 10, Sicom Building 2, Port Louis, Mauritius Tel: (230) 405 4146 Email: 
Mrs Bhamila Devi NUNDLOLL
Manager, Human Resources
Level 7, Sicom Building 2, Port Louis, Mauritius Tel:(230) 405 4131 Fax:(230) 212 4160 Email:
Assisted by:
Mrs Prabha Devi NEERUNJUN Assistant Manager, Human Resources Level 7, Sicom Building 2, Port Louis, Mauritius Tel:(230) 405 5329 Fax:(230) 2124160 Email: 
Mrs Poosmawtee RAMPHUL
Assistant Manager, Human Resources
Level 7, Sicom Building 2, Port Louis, Mauritius Tel: (230) 405 5330
Fax:(230) 2124160 Email: 
Mrs Kavita DOOKHY Assistant Manager, Human Resources Level 7, Sicom Building 2, Port Louis, Mauritius Tel:(230) 405 5331 Fax:(230) 2124160 Email: 
Vacant |
Performance Management and Research Unit
The Performance Management and Research Unit is responsible for:
1. Monitoring the implementation of PMS in the Public Service
2. Providing advice and guidance to Ministries/Departments and other public sector organisations on PMS
3. Research on new HR trends with respect to promotion of inclusive and gender neutral organisations, ILO conventions impacting HR Management, etc.
Scheme of Service Unit
The Scheme of Service (SOS) Unit is responsible for:
1. Processing of scheme of service in consultation with line Ministries and other stakeholders such as the PRB and Federations of Unions
2. Holding Consultative Committee on scheme of service with a view to improving the timely processing of schemes of service
3. Implementing a Collaborative Platform and Document Management System (e-SoS) for the prescription of SoSs and providing a central repository of all prescribed schemes of service
4. Vetting of Public Advertisements/Circular Note for filling of vacancies for posts advertised by the Public Service Commission/Disciplined Forces Service Commission
5. Providing advisory/secretarial services to committees with the State and other Employees Federation relating to conditions of service/schemes of service
6. Vetting of schemes of service for Parastatal Bodies
7. Prescribing Schemes of Service approved by the PSC or DFSC of all grades in the Public Service, including those of the Rodrigues Regional Assembly
E-HR Unit
The E-HR Unit is responsible for:
1. Implementing and managing of the E-HR System and the Electronic Attendance System
2. Ensuring the smooth deployment of the systems in Ministries/Departments
3. Providing technical and operational support to Ministries/Departments
4. Enhancing the systems by incorporating new features and interfacing with other applications being developed.
Understanding Performance Appraisal Forms and Performance Improvement Plans
-Performance Appraisal Form (Senior Management) -Performance Appraisal Form (General)
-Performance Appraisal Form (Workmen's)
-Performance Appraisal Interim Report (PAIR)
-Moderation and Appeal Processes
-Performance Management Appeal Form
-Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) and Guidance Notes -Performance Improvement Plan (Workmen's Group)
Report on Fitness
-Guide to use "Report on Fitness" PDF File
